Author: ckcreative

RME Engineering, Leicestershire

Creation of a lane gain between Junction 21 and 22 on the M1 around Leicester. TM involves; off-peak lane closures for crossover construction and enabling works, followed by 2 contraflow phases to enable new bridge maintenance, full carriageway and slip road closures with extensive local diversions, provision of Zoneguard temporary restraint system and all temporary marking works.


  • Liaison and coordination with RME Engineering, delivery team members
  • Co-ordination with our supply chain (temporary road marking and vehicle restraint system) to ensure TM installs/removals and daily activities run smoothly
  • Liaison with police, NCC, RCC and recovery provider for nightly shutdowns and following RTCs
  • Opening and closing of contraflow lane to facilitate off peak works
  • Dedicated  Supervisor to attend weekly programme and progress meetings
  • Active participation in the Site’s safety initiatives
  • Daily LEAN briefings with the wider delivery team to ensure maximum utilisation of TM
  • Provision of TM drawings at short notice to accommodate fast-track changes to work scope


  • Zero RIDDORS in over 25,000 man hours worked
  • Our first scheme to use of Zoneguard restraint system and completed without any issues.
  • All works being completed with zero carriageway crossings in line with HA ‘Aiming for Zero’ through use of smart blind signs, 12C closures, and direct lane 1, 2 closures

Highway Civils was sub contracted to his project at a last minute after the contractor failed to meet their obligation. It was a very intricate project and one we had to approach with all our focus. The target for us was come up with safe walking routes for pedestrians. We started by installing a chain linked guide rail and then upgraded the traffic islands.

Highway Civils set majority of the posts inside existing road construction materials, either concrete or tarmac. The posts were saw cut and broken out, all this was done before the post holes could be excavated. We then bored the post holes where the ground was less compact. The post hole borer can drill a clean hole but is only effective in soil or stone. In excavating the rest of the other holes, we used a small hydraulic breaker. Drop down bollards were installed at access points.

Furthermore, Highway Civils extended an existing island and altered to prevent traffic parking near footways. The excavation of the island was done to formation level and compacted. We then installed Geo textile membrane to minimise weed growth. Grading of chippings was done to the inside of the island providing a clean finish.

Highway Civil Engineering went on to install post sleeves in a concrete surround inside the upgraded traffic island. These then eventually carry a lit entrance sign. We then installed guide rail posts either side of the new footway. In finishing off, Highway Civils fitted timber edging board to the sides of the path and we then graded the stone to tarmac formation level and finally we laid a wearing course tarmac to the paths and the guide rails installed.

It was amazing to look back at the completed project and all thanks to our project managers and supervisors for finishing the project in a timely manner despite being offered the project at a very short notice.

Standard Health and Safety Procedures

These procedures are to be followed by all Drivers and Supervisory Staff responsible for organising work.
These procedures are to be read in conjunction with relevant Risk Assessments

Personnel Consideration: – 

Drivers must be competent and have attained a CPCS Plant Operators card.
Excavators should be accompanied by a Banksman, particularly when buried services are
anticipated. Drivers and operatives must wear reflective clothing and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Equipment Requirements: – 

Excavators shall be selected to ensure that they are working within their limitation and are fit for
the intended task.
Excavators shall be fitted with flashing beacons.
Personal Protective Equipment will include safety helmets, ear defenders, reflective clothing and safety boots.

If working on a public road or highway ensure that the machine is insured and complies with road traffic regulations.

Material Requirements: –

? When loading excavated materials, care must be taken to ensure sufficient safe clear working space is available on the far side of the vehicle being loaded, to prevent injury or damage to passing personnel or vehicles from falling debris.

Environmental Considerations: – 

Ensure adequate ventilation around excavator to prevent build of poisonous exhaust fumes.

If using impact power hammers, it will be necessary to screen off the workplace to reduce nuisance levels and flying debris to neighbouring properties etc.

Detailed Procedure: – 

Ensure the presence of underground services is known and the driver advised of their presents
and location. Location by hand dug trail holes is essential prior to commencement of mechanical excavation.
Mark all overhead services with suitable temporary warning structures (poles and bunting, scaffolding etc.) and inform driver of their size and nature.
Ensure when excavating that bucket does not get within 5m of overhead electricity cables.
Wear Personal Protective Equipment.
Use of a Banksman to assist in the careful locating and supporting of underground services. 

When loading excavators from trailers ensure it is carried out on level ground and ramps are long enough and strong enough to allow a safe angle of descent. Tracked excavators should be unloaded onto sleepers to prevent damage to metalled road surfaces.
Secure workplace from unauthorised access by members of the public or vehicular traffic by installing protective barriers or suitable traffic management.
Make sure trenches are suitably shored and suitable working space is available to prevent excavators from getting too close to trench sides.
Use buffer stops to prevent machinery from getting too close to the edge of the excavation.
Do not allow unauthorised use of the excavator. When not in use, park up safely with bucket
and/or backactor on the ground, remove ignition key and lock vehicle.

Do not travel alongside or park adjacent to trenches when men are working in them.
Avoid turning on slopes to reduce the risk of overturning.
Do not carry passengers on any part of the excavator.
Do not use the bucket as a makeshift work platform.
Do not use the excavator as a crane.
Avoid jumping down from the excavator; climb down using access steps provided and using the three point of contact system.
Do not force the excavator to do more than it is capable of. This can cause it to become unstable. 

Caerphilly Castle, Wales

Highway Civils was sub contracted to his project at a last minute after the contractor failed to meet their obligation. It was a very intricate project and one we had to approach with all our focus. The target for us was come up with safe walking routes for pedestrians. We started by installing a chain linked guide rail and then upgraded the traffic islands.

Highway Civils set majority of the posts inside existing road construction materials, either concrete or tarmac. The posts were saw cut and broken out, all this was done before the post holes could be excavated. We then bored the post holes where the ground was less compact. The post hole borer can drill a clean hole but is only effective in soil or stone. In excavating the rest of the other holes, we used a small hydraulic breaker. Drop down bollards were installed at access points.

Furthermore, Highway Civils extended an existing island and altered to prevent traffic parking near footways. The excavation of the island was done to formation level and compacted. We then installed Geo textile membrane to minimise weed growth. Grading of chippings was done to the inside of the island providing a clean finish.

Highway Civil Engineering went on to install post sleeves in a concrete surround inside the upgraded traffic island. These then eventually carry a lit entrance sign. We then installed guide rail posts either side of the new footway. In finishing off, Highway Civils fitted timber edging board to the sides of the path and we then graded the stone to tarmac formation level and finally we laid a wearing course tarmac to the paths and the guide rails installed.

It was amazing to look back at the completed project and all thanks to our project managers and supervisors for finishing the project in a timely manner despite being offered the project at a very short notice.

Standard Health and Safety Procedures

These procedures are to be followed by all Drivers and Supervisory Staff responsible for organising work.
These procedures are to be read in conjunction with relevant Risk Assessments

Personnel Consideration: – 

Drivers must be competent and have attained a CPCS Plant Operators card.
Excavators should be accompanied by a Banksman, particularly when buried services are
anticipated. Drivers and operatives must wear reflective clothing and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Equipment Requirements: – 

Excavators shall be selected to ensure that they are working within their limitation and are fit for
the intended task.
Excavators shall be fitted with flashing beacons.
Personal Protective Equipment will include safety helmets, ear defenders, reflective clothing and safety boots.

If working on a public road or highway ensure that the machine is insured and complies with road traffic regulations.

Material Requirements: –

? When loading excavated materials, care must be taken to ensure sufficient safe clear working space is available on the far side of the vehicle being loaded, to prevent injury or damage to passing personnel or vehicles from falling debris.

Environmental Considerations: – 

Ensure adequate ventilation around excavator to prevent build of poisonous exhaust fumes.

If using impact power hammers, it will be necessary to screen off the workplace to reduce nuisance levels and flying debris to neighbouring properties etc.

Detailed Procedure: – 

Ensure the presence of underground services is known and the driver advised of their presents
and location. Location by hand dug trail holes is essential prior to commencement of mechanical excavation.
Mark all overhead services with suitable temporary warning structures (poles and bunting, scaffolding etc.) and inform driver of their size and nature.
Ensure when excavating that bucket does not get within 5m of overhead electricity cables.
Wear Personal Protective Equipment.
Use of a Banksman to assist in the careful locating and supporting of underground services. 

When loading excavators from trailers ensure it is carried out on level ground and ramps are long enough and strong enough to allow a safe angle of descent. Tracked excavators should be unloaded onto sleepers to prevent damage to metalled road surfaces.
Secure workplace from unauthorised access by members of the public or vehicular traffic by installing protective barriers or suitable traffic management.
Make sure trenches are suitably shored and suitable working space is available to prevent excavators from getting too close to trench sides.
Use buffer stops to prevent machinery from getting too close to the edge of the excavation.
Do not allow unauthorised use of the excavator. When not in use, park up safely with bucket
and/or backactor on the ground, remove ignition key and lock vehicle.

Do not travel alongside or park adjacent to trenches when men are working in them.
Avoid turning on slopes to reduce the risk of overturning.
Do not carry passengers on any part of the excavator.
Do not use the bucket as a makeshift work platform.
Do not use the excavator as a crane.
Avoid jumping down from the excavator; climb down using access steps provided and using the three point of contact system.
Do not force the excavator to do more than it is capable of. This can cause it to become unstable. 

Gedling Council, Nottingham

Road maintenance

This was an exciting project where we demonstrated all our capabilities as a young company with huge ambitions. The project involved widening approximately 2 miles of existing footpath. Highway Civil Engineering had to install new edging kerbs, drop crossings for driveways, raising ironwork and replacing where necessary. In addition, there were also new bollards, tactile paving areas, traffic islands and ducting for lighting feeds to be done. Our project manager divided the project into phases.

In Phase 1 the paths were excavated to formation levels while some sections involved a complete reconstruction whereas others were simply widened.

Phase 2 entailed kerb edging the paths with 6″ x 1″ pre-cast concrete edging kerbs. There were also some drop crossings for residential driveways, laid in 6″ x 5″ crossing kerbs. Type 1 sub base stone was then graded to the paths and rolled. The outer edges were re-graded with recycled top soils, raked and seeded. 

Phase 3 entailed laying 20mm size dense base course tarmac to each section of path and rolling. We “hand laid” each section of base because the project was divided into 150 lineal meter sections. This ensured most of the path remained open to the public during construction. Ironwork was raised and temporary ramping was laid around trip hazards to make safe. An existing traffic island was widened as a calming measure, on the approach to a roundabout. We then installed new ducting to carry lighting feeds to the keep left bollards positioned inside the island.

Highway Civils had to install a pre-cast traffic island at another location. We excavated ducting from feeder pillars across the road and into the island with inspection chambers at direction changes. We had to lift the island in two sections and lay it on a concrete base. Highway Civils then kerbed the area between the two outer sections with 6″ x 5″ crossing kerbs. We proceeded to surface the paths with 6mm size asphalt laid with a small paver. Adhesive tactile paving tiles were resin glued by our team, onto the new wearing course to demarcate end and start points and drop crossing points.

That was an exciting project and Highway Civil Engineering is extremely proud of a job well done and to add a happy customer to our portfolio.

Standard Health and Safety Procedures

These procedures are to be followed by all Drivers and Supervisory Staff responsible for organising work.
These procedures are to be read in conjunction with relevant Risk Assessments

Personnel Consideration: – 

Drivers must be competent and have attained a CPCS Plant Operators card.
Excavators should be accompanied by a Banksman, particularly when buried services are
anticipated. Drivers and operatives must wear reflective clothing and appropriate Personal Protective Equipment.

Equipment Requirements: – 

Excavators shall be selected to ensure that they are working within their limitation and are fit for
the intended task.
Excavators shall be fitted with flashing beacons.
Personal Protective Equipment will include safety helmets, ear defenders, reflective clothing and safety boots.

If working on a public road or highway ensure that the machine is insured and complies with road traffic regulations.

Material Requirements: –

? When loading excavated materials, care must be taken to ensure sufficient safe clear working space is available on the far side of the vehicle being loaded, to prevent injury or damage to passing personnel or vehicles from falling debris.

Environmental Considerations: – 

Ensure adequate ventilation around excavator to prevent build of poisonous exhaust fumes.

If using impact power hammers, it will be necessary to screen off the workplace to reduce nuisance levels and flying debris to neighbouring properties etc.

Detailed Procedure: – 

Ensure the presence of underground services is known and the driver advised of their presents
and location. Location by hand dug trail holes is essential prior to commencement of mechanical excavation.
Mark all overhead services with suitable temporary warning structures (poles and bunting, scaffolding etc.) and inform driver of their size and nature.
Ensure when excavating that bucket does not get within 5m of overhead electricity cables.
Wear Personal Protective Equipment.
Use of a Banksman to assist in the careful locating and supporting of underground services. 

When loading excavators from trailers ensure it is carried out on level ground and ramps are long enough and strong enough to allow a safe angle of descent. Tracked excavators should be unloaded onto sleepers to prevent damage to metalled road surfaces.
Secure workplace from unauthorised access by members of the public or vehicular traffic by installing protective barriers or suitable traffic management.
Make sure trenches are suitably shored and suitable working space is available to prevent excavators from getting too close to trench sides.
Use buffer stops to prevent machinery from getting too close to the edge of the excavation.
Do not allow unauthorised use of the excavator. When not in use, park up safely with bucket
and/or backactor on the ground, remove ignition key and lock vehicle.

Do not travel alongside or park adjacent to trenches when men are working in them.
Avoid turning on slopes to reduce the risk of overturning.
Do not carry passengers on any part of the excavator.
Do not use the bucket as a makeshift work platform.
Do not use the excavator as a crane.
Avoid jumping down from the excavator; climb down using access steps provided and using the three point of contact system.
Do not force the excavator to do more than it is capable of. This can cause it to become unstable.