Principal Contractors Policy

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM) apply to construction work in Great Britain and its territorial sea. CDM is intended to protect the health and safety of people working in construction and others who may be affected by their activities.

The CDM Regulations place specific duties upon clients, designers and contractors to develop their approach to health and safety so that it is taken into account and then co-ordinated and managed effectively throughout all stages of a construction project.

These stages progress from conception, design and planning through to the execution of works on- site and subsequent maintenance and repair, even to final demolition and removal.

The CDM Regulations are part of a continuing development of health and safety legislation and bring together a number of concepts.

  1. Risk assessment.
  2. Competence and adequate resources.
  3. Co-operation and co-ordination.

(XYZ) accepts these concepts, as part of its overall approach to health, safety and welfare and will therefore comply with the regulations as they apply to our undertaking.

It is our policy as principal contractor to do the following.

  • Satisfy ourselves that the client is aware of his duties and that a principal designer has been appointed and that HSE has been notified before commencement of work.
  • Ensure that we are competent to address the health and safety issues likely to be involved on the management of the project.
  • Satisfy ourselves that the designers and contractors we engage are competent and adequately resourced.
  • Ensure co-operation and co-ordination between all members of the project team.
  • Plan, manage and monitor construction work with adequate resources and competent site management so work is carried out safely.
  • Ensure that every contractor who will work on the site is informed of the minimum amount of time they will be allowed for planning and preparation before they begin work on site.
  • Ensure that all contractors, and any self-employed, are provided with relevant information about the project and that any requests from contractors for information is dealt with promptly.
  • Ensure that a suitable construction phase health and safety plan is:
    • prepared before construction begins;
    • developed in discussion with, and communicated to, contractors affected by it;
    • provided to contractors and self-employed in time for them to plan their work;
    • implemented, and
    • kept up to date as the project progresses.
  • Ensure safe working, co-ordination and co-operation between all contractors.
  • Liaise with the principal designer on any design work carried out during the construction phase, including design by specialist contractors, and its implication for the plan.
  • Ensure the provision of suitable welfare facilities to meet the requirements of the Regulations.
  • Restrict entry to the site to authorised people only.
  • Enforce site rules.
  • Display the project notification on site.
  • Ensure that suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start of the project.
  • Provide the principal designer promptly with any information relevant to the health and safety file.
  • Encourage people at work, or their representatives, to offer advice on health and safety.
  • Ensure that people at work receive induction, information and training in health and safety.
  • Ensure that the workforce is consulted about health and safety matters,
  • Give reasonable instructions to any contractor involved in the work.